Enhancing Farm Security: New Technology in Farm Access Control and Monitoring Systems

By Zablon Oyugi Normally, stealing or burgle has always been heard to occur in houses at residential areas but recently this crime also takes place...

Dragon Fruit Market: Navigating the Future

The global dragon fruit market is projected to witness significant growth, increasing from a value of US$ 507.3 million in 2023 to US$ 973.6...

Biochar – Low-Cost Method to Improve Agricultural Output and Sequester Carbon

Farmers around the world are looking for low- or no-cost materials to increase agricultural output and reduce the use of fertilizers derived from fossil...

Agrochemicals Market Surges: Transforming Agriculture Dynamics Worldwide

The global agrochemicals market has witnessed steady growth over the past decade, driven by factors like population growth, reduced arable land, and demand for...

The Impoverished Rural Community That Changed Its Nation History

WHAT’S WRONG WITH THOSE FARMERS?  This story could only happen many years ago in a faraway land. I bring it here for you as it...

Op-ed: A Deeper Insight into Nutrition – Sensitive Agriculture

The concept of nutrition-sensitive agriculture is not new, but it has gained renewed attention in recent years as a promising approach to addressing the...

The State of Smallholder Farmers in Southern Africa

In Southern Africa, the agricultural landscape is dotted with smallholder farmers, individuals tilling less than 10 hectares of land, striving to make a living...

BKT outlines the 10 macro-trends that will shape agriculture in 2024

Historically speaking, there are many factors that have had an influence on the agricultural sector: first and foremost, climate instability, geopolitical crises falling on...

$15M additional funding to tackle food waste around the world

Work tackling the huge environmental cost of food waste has been given a massive boost this year, as international climate action NGO WRAP receives...

Agricultural Fumigants Market to Reach US$ 1.4 Bn by 2032 at 2.8% CAGR”

The global Agricultural Fumigants Market is estimated at US$ 1 Bn in 2022 and is projected to reach a valuation of US$ 1.4 Bn by 2032,...
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