Increased bean consumption: Solution to health, climate and cost-of-living crises


Global food awareness organisation ProVeg International has joined forces with Google, the Bezos Earth Fund and more than 40 other organisations to campaign for a doubling of global bean, pea, pulse, lentil and legume consumption by 2028.

The ambitious Beans is How campaign will promote the value of incorporating beans into meals as part of a strategy to remove greenhouse gas emissions from the food system.

Beans release 90% less harmful greenhouse gases than some animal-based foods, contain protein, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals and, when dried, cost an average of $1 per 500 grams, making them an excellent alternative to meat.

“Beans really do tick all the boxes when it comes to providing nutritious, affordable and climate-friendly meals for countries all over the world,” Jasmijn de Boo, CEO of ProVeg, said.

“We urgently need to scale up efforts to encourage greater consumption of beans over animal-based foods if we are to have a chance to slow climate change and prevent ecosystem collapse,” de Boo added.

There are thousands of varieties of beans, peas, pulses and lentils around the world that present a simple and affordable solution to the health, climate and cost-of-living crises.

Beans is How is encouraging people to eat more beans by publishing tasty recipes with beans, showing people how to grow beans themselves, and through a “menu challenge” that encourages restaurants, caterers, cafes, schools and other food providers to include #beansonthemenu.

ProVeg is joined in the coalition by a range of other global organisations, including Google, The World Bean Council, the Bezos Earth Fund, the United Nations Foundation and the Kraft Heinz Company.