Tana River the 4th Jumuiya, Agriculture and Blue Economy Investment Conference

Tana River the 4th Jumuiya, Agriculture and Blue Economy Investment Conference

Tana River is set to host the 4th Jumuiya, Agriculture and Blue Economy Investment Conference (JABEIC) in December.

Jumuiya ya Kaunti za Pwani (JKP) brings together all six Coastal counties: Mombasa, Kwale, Kilifi, Tana River, Lamu and Taita Taveta with a mission of catalyzing economic growth. Mombasa County hosted the first conference in 2018, and Kilifi and Kwale counties in 2019 and 2021 respectively. COVID-19 containment measures made it impossible for the annual conference to take place in 2020. Tana River Governor Dhadho Godhana said most of the previous conferences were held on the lower Coast and they have pushed for Tana to host the 4th JABEIC to showcase her abilities.

Development plans

“The objective of the conference is to continue with our development plans under the blue economy agenda which in all reflections indicate that Tana River has the greatest potential in blue economy matters. Although it was not recognized, Tana has 76 kilometres of Coastline. Tana Delta is known to have great potential for many things that concern the blue economy not only fishing but in terms of agriculture, mining and tourism but this part has not been developed. The conference will boast business and participants will have an opportunity to explore the county,” said Governor Dhadho Godhana.

The county is home to Kenya’s largest river starting in the Mount Kenya region to the Indian Ocean covering a distance of more than 500 kilometres. Tana also hosts the Kora National Park which is home to the Adamson’s Camp. The Tana River primate reserve is home to the endangered Tana River mangabey and the red colobus monkey. The County is rich in cultural heritage.

Last year, Tana hosted officials from the Italian Agency for Development Corporation (Aics) which is implementing a Sh. 600 million ‘Go blue’ programme in the six coastal counties that aims to accelerate economic growth and strengthen the blue economy value chains. The four-year (2021-2024) programme is financed by the European Union and is implemented in conjunction with the Government of Kenya and Jumuiya za Kaunti za Pwani (JKP). Aics will work with Kipini Beach Management Unit. They will support and bring together fisheries stakeholders through capacity development, provision of specialized equipment and construction of improved fishing infrastructure.