Kenya launches agricultural training programme in Kwale County

Kenya launches agricultural training programme in Kwale County

The government of Kenya has rolled out an agricultural training programme for farmers in Kwale. The project which is partnership of Ministry of Agriculture in partnership with the Kenya Plant Health Inspectorate will see at least over 60 farming groups trained on the best farming techniques for better livelihood and agribusiness opportunities.

It is estimated that more than 50% of the Kwale people’s income is lost in food expenses, according to the Principal Secretary for Agriculture Hamadi Boga. Speaking during the farmers’ field day, Boga said the farmers will be equipped with improved farming tools and certified seeds to enable them move from domestic to commercial farming. The farmers will be picked from the county’s 20 wards and assisted to steady crop growth, food and nutrition security.

“We will train three groups in each ward and will be furnished with proper green grams, tomatoes, spinach, sukumawiki, beehive equipment, fertilizers and the rest of the things,” he said.

Reviving agricultural sector

The training will be done at Kenya Agricultural and Livestock Research Organisation headquarters in Matuga. The first two agricultural projects on modern farming were piloted at Dzombo and Ukunda by KEPHIS and proved to be effective.

Boga said the county has the potential to grow a variety of food crops and feed its people if better farming skills and scientifically approved seeds are put in use. Currently, the use of inferior farming methods and infertile planting seeds among farmers have brought the county’s agricultural productivity down to its knees.

Back in the 1960s, Kwale was recognized as the best producer of Mangoes, coconuts, cashew nuts, oranges, cotton, maize, cassava and many other food crops. However, due to new crop diseases, pesticides and outdated crop species, the industry has continued to suffer. Boga said promoting innovation and technology in agriculture and trade is one way of reviving the agricultural sector and improving the economy and standards of living of citizens in the region.

“There is no shortcut, active farming is our breakthrough because agriculture is the backbone of the economy,” he said.