Effect of Innovative Emulsifier on egg quality in layer hen diets

The egg is one of the basic principles pillars of our daily diet with more protein (about 6 grams / egg). The egg white is formed by four structures. Firstly, the chalazae, immediately surrounding the yolk, accounting for 3% of the white. Next is the inner thin layer, which surrounds the chalazae and accounts for 17% of the white. Third is the firm or thick layer, which provides an envelope or jacket that holds the inner thin white and the yolk. It adheres to the shell membrane at each end of the egg and accounts for 57% of the albumen. Finally, the outer thin layer lies just inside the shell membranes, except where the thick white is attached to the shell, and accounts for 23% of the egg white (USDA, 2000).

Regarding albumen composition, the ovalbumin (54%) and ovomucine (11%) are responsible for the consistency of albumen, and the lysozyme (3.4%) by its antibacterial properties. The rest of the egg proteins are found in the yolk (16% of the yolk).

There can be no doubt that the freshness of the egg and the shell quality, including color and cleanliness, are essential for acceptance or rejection by consumers. Appropriate measures should be taken to promote egg quality during the productive period of the hens and to avoid dirty, potentially contaminating eggs.

The use of additives such as biosurfactants can improve the digestibility of fat, oils and other nutrients increasing animal productivity, as well as reducing feed costs, that in several cases represent more than 70 % of total production costs.  Several studies performed by Andrés Pintaluba S.A. on poultry and pigs showed the beneficial effect provided by the addition of an innovative emulsifier called APSADIGEST. This additive improves the digestibility of energy, protein and amino acids contents in the ration of feed.

Recent field trials show the benefits of using APSADIGEST during the whole cycle of laying hens. The application of the additive not only maximized the digestibility of the fat by acting as emulsifier, but also improves the internal and external characteristics of the egg (shell hardness, less dirty egg and broken).

These results of an increment of egg quality, it can be attributed to improved intestinal nutrient absorption by higher concentrated source of lysophospholipids present in APSADIGEST which enhances flow and transport of nutrient to target issues by modulation of membrane permeability.

The supplementation of APSADIGEST in laying hen diets promotes higher contents of albumen in the eggs, considered of high biological value due it is a source of high digestibility protein for humans.

APSADIGEST not only improves the internal egg quality, but also the external quality (less broken and dirty eggs), these factors have a very important economic impact on the profitability of the poultry industry.

Finally, APSADIGEST has clear and proven benefits in animal nutrition, not only as a potent emulsifier, but also as an enhancer of nutrient absorption allowing to make rations with a minimal cost.

Dr. Paul W. Cardozo   ,Technical Department, Andrés Pintaluba S.A.