Dr Theo de Jager honoured with the 2021 Agriculture Oscar Award

The late Perrance Shiri Zimbabwean Minister of Agriculture and Dr Theo de Jager at a previous event

Dr. Theo de Jager, Chairman of the Board of Saai, was honoured by the Commercial Farmers Union of Zimbabwe (CFU) with the 2021 Agricultural Oscar Award. This prestigious award is given annually to a person who broadens the horizons of agriculture in Zimbabwe. This award was presented on 17 November during CFU’s 78th Congress.

The CFU represents, among others, victims of violent land grabs. Some 6 000 white farmers have been displaced from their farms since 2000, leading to widespread sanctions, economic decline, unemployment and poverty in Zimbabwe.

De Jager was honoured for his role in negotiations between the CFU and the Zimbabwean government regarding compensation to victims of expropriation, which led to the Global Compensation Agreement of 30 July 2020.

The award also recognises the way in which De Jager has represented Zimbabwean farmers at the World Farmers Organisation since 2017 and has contributed and promoted their interests on international platforms. De Jager was initially nominated by the CFU to represent African interests on the board of the World Farmers Organisation, but was then elected president of the organisation.

*The Zimbabwean government could not perform by the expiry date of the compensation agreement on 30 July 2021, and asked for an extension to May 2022. The settlement excludes compensation for the value of land.