WFP trains 200 WFP trained govt agric officers in Egypt

First Indian wheat shipment to Egypt complies with int’l standards

THE World Food Programme (WFP) trained more than 200 agricultural workers from Egypt’s ministries of Agriculture and Land Reclamation, Water Resources and Irrigation and Environment on best agricultural practices in wheat farming, and strategic crop management.

Other beneficiaries were from academic institutions in Sohag, Asyut, Qena, Luxor and Aswan.

“Additionally, WFP trained university students on how to sustain and upscale enhanced climate-smart agricultural practices.  WFP and the ministry of Agriculture and Land Reclamation enhanced the capacity of Ministry staff in field data collection, management and analysis,” the United Nations body said.

“Staff in the governorates of Minya and Kafr El-Sheikh was provided with capacity strengthening support for the management of a newly established geospatial agricultural map to help the Government monitor cultivated areas and the production of strategic crops in Egypt.”

According to the 2022 Global Food Security Index, Egypt ranked 77th globally and 13th in the Middle East and North Africa region with a moderate level of food security.

Through a 54-year partnership with the Government of Egypt and its 2018-2023 Country Strategic Plan (CSP), WFP maintains a holistic development approach that caters to the immediate needs of vulnerable groups through food and nutrition assistance, while contributing to their empowerment through capacity strengthening, awareness raising on various topics, improved livelihoods, financial inclusion, access to education, and enhanced agricultural, climate-adaptive practices.


WFP’s CSP interventions complement national development initiatives such as ‘Decent Life’, ‘Solidarity and Dignity’, among many others.


As host of the 27th United Nations Climate Change Conference, Egypt in November last year, showcased implementation models in environmental protection and climate action with a focus on the African continent. WFP contributes to the climate agenda through the promotion of adaptive agricultural practices, resilience building of vulnerable communities, and capacity strengthening.