Transform your business into family agribusiness in a few steps

Transform your business into family agribusiness in a few steps

Family farmers produce a significant portion of the food that reaches the table: 40% of the gross value of agricultural production, according to a survey by the Ministry of Social and Agrarian Development.

Given this relevance, the transition to agribusiness is seen as an important leap towards a model that leaves behind the lack of processes and is now organized in stages such as processing, storage, processing and marketing of agricultural production.

Those who understand the subject, teach the steps so that small rural producers can fulfill the dream of family agroindustry. Anyone who intends to work with food agro-industrial enterprises must know the labor, fiscal, environmental and sanitary legislation of this segment. Check out these steps:

1)According to Sebrae, entrepreneurs must understand that processing production requires market research, necessary physical structures, current legislation, seasonality and quantity of raw material to operate the agribusiness;

2)Research and talk to regulatory and supervisory bodies. Initiating searches with the Municipal Department of Agriculture for possible reports and studies will help in the study of the scenario. Also, look for the State Department of Agriculture;

3)It is vital to know the product to be processed, identify the logistics around it, the supply of raw material and its quality and the requirements that involve, for example, the flow of production;

4)The volume of raw material needed for agribusiness can be increased if the producer works with a cooperative or with associated producers that sustain the supply throughout the year, without seasonality in raw material offers. The field of vision must be amplified and market analysis is necessary, so the activity is not restricted to producing the product;

5)Pay attention to good manufacturing practices, which may be threats of probable contamination of manufactured products. Pay attention to the choice of the place for the installation of the agribusiness, its sanitary project, the choice of equipment, the qualification of the handlers and the origin of the raw material;

6)Beware of the location of your property. When choosing an area to implement the agroindustry, we must consider the risks of contamination that can result from a simple proximity to a road, or even an expressway that may be carrying, according to prevailing winds, dust or soot into the establishment;

7)Avoid places suitable for pest breeding, garbage dumps or waste. The accesses of the agro-industries must be specific to them and the exits planned in order to facilitate the removal of garbage and residues. Care must be taken with poor internal ventilation from the inside out can increase costs and provide accumulation of gases, fumes, condensation vapors and thermal discomfort. In addition, the solar arrangement should favor ambient lighting and permeate their production spaces.

8)Beware of the proximity of rivers and lakes observed due to environmental regulations, which may prevent the establishment from functioning. Pay attention to the possibility of flooding and pollution of land surfaces and water sources, as the existence of these possibilities may lead to the contamination of foods that may be being processed;

9)Once the “address” of the agroindustry has been resolved, it is time to present the required documents and the building plan to the bodies responsible for registering the agroindustry.