Sierra Leone and IFAD to strengthen partnerships, agricultural value chains and rural finance


The Independent Office of Evaluation of the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) and the Government of Sierra Leone are holding a half-day workshop in Freetown to share the findings of the independent evaluation of IFAD’s country strategy and programme for Sierra Leone.

The workshop will present the evaluation’s main conclusions and recommendations, based on the past 17 years of IFAD’s work in Sierra Leone together with the Government. The event will also be an opportunity to discuss how IFAD can best support the country in further developing the rural sector, especially by strengthening policy engagement, partnerships and knowledge management; fostering linkages in pro-poor agricultural value chains; and expanding sustainable pro-poor rural finance.

The workshop will bring together government representatives, development partners, civil society organizations, private sector partners and project staff, as well as IFAD management and staff. Discussions will address the key issues and strategic priorities to be included in IFAD’s new strategy for Sierra Leone that will promote development effectiveness, with the aim of eradicating rural poverty in the country.

 WHAT:          National Workshop to present the Country Strategy and Programme Evaluation of IFAD’s operations in Sierra Leone.

Co-organized by the Government of Sierra Leone and IFAD’s Independent Office of Evaluation, in close collaboration with IFAD’s West and Central Africa Division.

WHEN:          Wednesday 27 November 2019

                       9:00 – 14:00

WHERE:       Bintunami Hotel

Freetown, Sierra Leone