Farmers from the rural communities in Rwanda are poised to benefit from Fostering Digital Villages project that aims to transform the country’s agriculture sector through digital tools usage and adoption.
Dubbed, “Fostering Digital Villages through innovative advisory and profitable market services in Africa (FDiVi)”, the initiative has been designed to transform the agricultural practices of farmer organizations and field agents by introducing digital solutions suited to the needs of rural communities.
The project which has been developed in partnership between the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) and the Ministry of Agriculture and Animal Resources (MINAGRI) and launched late last year at Musanze District will enable easier access to information, weather forecasts, and market opportunities thus helping the farmers make informed decisions to optimize yields and develop resilience.
In this, it targets to improve agricultural advisory services, increase market access for rural farmers, and build digital skills among producers.
Empowering farmers
In line with national priorities, the project seeks to empower farmers, especially young people and women, to take an active role in modernizing agriculture and supporting economic growth in rural areas. It is also aligned to the FAO Digital Villages Initiative.
Speaking during the launch, Mr Placide Nshuti Kanyabujinga, FAO country representive, emphasized that the success of FDiVi project hinges on strong partnerships, where each stakeholder will bring unique strengths to create a digitally connected, resilient, and thriving agricultural landscape.
Speaking to the audience, the Mayor of Musanze, Mr Claudien Nsengimana commended FAO Rwanda’s effort to transform the lives of Musanze population through access and adoption of digital technologies.
The event was also attended by Mayor of Nyanza, Mayor of Ngororero, Vice Mayor of Economic Development from Nyagatare and Rwanda Coding Academy (RCA) students and private companies.
Farmer organizations, digital ambassadors, youth, women, and field agents from the districts of Musanze, Ngororero, Nyagatare, and Nyanza also graced the event which marked a strong commitment to agricultural digital development and the strengthening of digital skills in rural agriculture communities.
The FDIVI project is a concrete initiative to modernize Rwandan agriculture by putting digital tools in the hands of farmers.