Ruvuma, Tanzania to host Global Fertiliser Day

Ruvuma, Tanzania to host Global Fertiliser Day

Ruvuma Region in Tanzania is set to host the Global Fertiliser Day, where agriculture professionals, importers, local manufacturers and distributors of fertilisers as well as smallholder farmers will converge to celebrate fertilizers and their essential role in sustaining the country’s burgeoning population.

The Global Fertiliser Day is marked worldwide on October 13 every year to remember the Haber-Bosch patent on synthesis of ammonia from air in 1908, which sowed the seeds for the Green Revolution of the early 20th century.

The event is an international initiative supported by the global fertilizer industry associations with the aim of educating the people on the benefits and uses of fertilizers, and worldwide encouragement of innovation in agriculture for a sustainable future. TFRA is the organizer and coordinating agency of the event planned for Songea municipality beginning October 11 to 13.

Revolutionise the agricultural sector

Ruvuma was picked to host the three-day event for its reputation in the application of fertilisers and having a huge number of dealers of the commodity compared to other regions of the country. The region is Tanzania’s major food producing area.

Dr Stephan Ngailo, the Tanzania Fertiliser Regulatory Authority (TFRA) Executive said it is an opportunity Ruvuma residents to be educated on the correct use of quality fertilisers and acquire knowledge on the science of the health of soil, and to learn various technologies involved in the industry.

“Fertilizers have helped revolutionise the agricultural sector, which in Tanzania, like other African countries, is the key economic driver. The aim of the exhibition is to mobilise stakeholders on the correct application of quality fertilisers in the agricultural sector, to learn modern technologies involved, and to get acquainted with the existing investment opportunities in the fertilizer and agricultural sectors,” said Dr Stephan Ngailo.