Hides and Skins manufacturing plant to be built in Kenya

Hides and Skins manufacturing plant to be built in Kenya

Kenyan livestock farmers are set to benefit from a Hides and Skins manufacturing plant to be constructed in Athi-river – Machakos County.

Principal Secretary Ministry of Agriculture – State Department for Livestock Mr Harry Kimutai said the move aims to avoid wastage of skins and hides after animals are slaughtered. He noted that livestock farmers in the country were losing millions of shillings due to the wastage and loss of hides and skins after they slaughter their animals as a result of lack of a government tannery.

“Livestock farmers in the County should not throw away their hides and skins after slaughtering their animals since the government will soon provide a market for their products and it will be beneficial to the livestock farmers and pastoralists,” said Mr Kimutai.

Source of material within country

The hides and skins finished products inform of tanned leather would no longer be imported since local industries that manufacture leather products like shoes, belts, hand-bags, wallets among others will easily source the materials within the country, hence encouraging buy-Kenya build Kenya.

Livestock farmers in Kericho Count would also immensely benefit as a result of the development and construction of the tannery factory in Athi-River since they will have a place to market their hides and skins.