SUSTAIN project launched in Mozambique

SUSTAIN project launched in Mozambique

Feeding a growing population and combating climate change whilst protecting the environment are key challenges for our future. Sustainability will need to be at the core of any investment plan and policy of every country. In Mozambique, IUCN today launched SUSTAIN Pro, a 10-year initiative aimed at addressing agricultural challenges, resilience and livelihoods of communities and ecosystem degradation in its key growth corridor Manica, in the west of Mozambique.

The inception meeting of SUSTAIN Pro, which took place in Maputo, Mozambique, aimed at launching SUSTAIN formally, gathering the key implementing partners and introducing the project to institutions and policy-makers for implementation.

The event sought to develop a shared understanding with partners of the role and scope of SUSTAIN and obtain strategic input from key stakeholders for action. The meeting brought together over 40 delegates representing government, development partners, civil society organisations, private sector, academia and the media.


The SUSTAIN project will focus its work primarily in the Magoe/Cahora Bassa Beira Agricultural Growth Corridor where the most important commodities are cotton, horticulture, and tree nuts (such as macadamia and cashew). Agricultural Growth Corridors have the potential to catalyse the transition to sustainable food systems. The construct of Agricultural Growth Corridors is often exemplified through the SAGCOT corridor in Tanzania – where SUSTAIN is also active – because of its representation as a model for the green economic expansion in Africa.

Land-use conflict however has also marked agricultural expansion activities in Mozambique, including in areas of Sofala, Manica and Tete. Despite these concerns, Agricultural Growth Corridors have created important opportunities for public-private partnerships and investments for sustainable economic growth. Considering these large and diverse geographical areas as one opportunity allows for a more holistic view of the activities taking place within them, and the co-existence between economic, environmental and social interests.

SUSTAIN Pro is funded by the Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation (NORAD). The initiative will benefit smallholder farmers, local communities, agri-businesses, small and medium enterprises, national industry associations, growth corridor secretariats, as well as public authorities involved in land use planning, agriculture and water resource management.