Agricultural machinery: record growth for the Italian market


In the first nine months of the year, tractor registrations grew by 43.8%, and strong increases were recorded for all other types of machinery. The excellent performance of the domestic market combined with the growth of exports – says Alessandro Malavolti, president of the manufacturers – will lead to an overall turnover of the Italian industry of no less than 14 billion Euros by the end of the year. 

 The Italian agricultural machinery market is moving at record pace. In the first nine months of the year, tractor registrations – according to data processed by FederUnacoma on the basis of registrations provided by the Ministry of Transport, and released this afternoon in Bologna – grew by 43.8% compared to the same period of 2020, with 18,500 units sold; combine harvesters grew by 50.4% with 358 units; transporters grew by 18.9% with 497 units sold, trailers grew by 27.3% (7,459 units) and, finally, agricultural telehandlers, which with 1,156 vehicles sold in the nine months showed an increase of 78.4%.

As far as operating machines and equipment are concerned, the “Barometer” survey carried out by FederUnacoma shows that 83% of companies recorded an increase in turnover in the first half of the year, and 54% recorded increases of more than 20%. A very positive year also for the components sector, which, according to Comacomp (FederUnacoma) surveys, saw an increase in turnover in the first half of the year for 94% of the companies surveyed, with 67% recording increases of more than 20%.

FederUnacoma calculations forecast overall increases of around 25% by the end of the year. “The good performance of the domestic market is combined with the growth that the sector is recording at global level,” explained FederUnacoma President Alessandro Malavolti during the conference, “and this is driving the production of Italian industries that are particularly competitive on foreign markets.

The value of exports of tractors in the first six months of the year rose to 846 million euros with a trade balance of 494 million (+65%), while for other agricultural machinery the first half of the year reached an export value of over 2 billion euros (+24%), for a trade balance of over 1.37 billion euros (+19%).

“The excellent phase of the domestic market combined with the growth in exports suggests a very substantial increase in Italian production,” said Malavolti, “which should reach 14 billion euros by the end of the year, with a growth of 22.4% compared to the previous year. Such significant growth percentages are due to a certain extent to the recovery from the crisis of the ‘Covid’ year 2020,” concluded Malavolti, “but they depend above all on the success of the tax incentives for agricultural machinery 4.0, and the need for farms to upgrade their technological equipment to meet the new market challenges.