Eima Digital Preview, a debut full of rendezvous

Eima Digital Preview,

Numerous events took place online on the first day of the virtual exhibition of agricultural machinery. The many topics covered by the conferences and web seminars included environmentally friendly techniques, applied electronics, and the new EU agricultural policy. Important live meetings covered AGIA activities dedicated to young farmers and on the finalist models of the Tractor of the Year award.

The EIMA Digital Preview platform, a virtual exhibition dedicated to agricultural machinery and technological innovation for the primary sector, is now online. The first day of the exhibition saw thousands of visitors on the platform, visiting the virtual stands set up by the 1,100 exhibiting companies.

The event hosted many web meetings and seminars on technical and political/economic issues. The important EIMA Campus initiative, promoted in collaboration with universities and aimed at students of the Faculty of Agriculture, hosted three lessons on the themes of environmental sustainability of agricultural processes, on innovation in the forestry sector, and on cultivation techniques in vineyards.

In addition, to supplement the contents of the university lectures, several Edagricole seminars were held on the theme of conservation and precision agriculture, and by Informatore Agrario on limiting soil compaction. Great attention was given to the issues of green area management, with the initiatives promoted by the BioHabitat Foundation on the topic of training for green area maintenance staff, on agronomic systems with zero chemical residues, on international experiences in the use of innovative substrates, and on the design and management of bio-lakes and artificial reservoirs. Some space was also devoted to eco-compatible technologies with the Itabia, Chimica Verde and Bionet seminar on the “Use of biodegradable materials in agriculture. State of the art and prospects”.

In terms of agricultural policy, a central role was played by the conference promoted by CIA’s AGIA Young Agricultural Entrepreneurs Association on the topic of “Agricultural mechanization in light of the European Green Deal: the winning choices for young European entrepreneurs”. Also on the subject of agricultural policies, a meeting was held regarding “Farm to Fork Strategy: from the IOT to the blockchain” promoted by Trattori magazine. A scenario on the evolution of the markets was traced during the afternoon with the seminar promoted by Agrievolution, the international association of agricultural machinery manufacturers.

The FederUnacoma technical update seminar covering the Mother regulation and technical Circulars on the subject of equipment and masses raised particular interest, while a focus on digital applications for agricultural processes was made possible thanks to the event promoted by the international association of specialists of 4.0 systems for AEF agriculture. Among the live events, centre stage goes to the event presenting the finalist models of the “Tractor of the Year”, the prestigious prize promoted by Trattori magazine and awarded by an international jury of industry journalists.

During the day, the meetings promoted directly by the exhibiting industries were also important for presenting new products and topics of specific interest, in particular those of Rivulis, Caprari, Netafilm, Irritec, Walvoil, AMA, COBO and Maschio Gaspardo.