Eima Digital Preview, a calendar full of events


While the virtual stands are being set up by the exhibiting companies and the registration of visitors to the EDP platform continue at full speed, the thematic events that will take place online during the exhibition, from 11 to 15 November, are also being defined. To date, more than 70 meetings are already scheduled. Technological innovation in agriculture is the key theme of the exhibition.

EDP, the first virtual exhibition dedicated to technologies for agriculture and agricultural machinery, takes position at the starting line with a calendar full of initiatives and in-depth meetings. To date, more than 70 conferences, seminars and workshops have already been scheduled for the five days of the online review (from 11 to 15 November).

However, their number is set to grow further in the coming days, according to FederUnacoma, the federation of agricultural machinery, which is the direct organizer of the EIMA International physical exhibition and its digital edition EDP. Promoted by industry associations, professional organizations, exhibiting industries, universities, research institutions, publishing houses, and by FederUnacoma itself, the thematic initiatives planned as part of the EDP take place remotely on the platform specially developed for the virtual event. After registering for the event, visitors can follow the events live in the four dedicated rooms, but they can also “live” them later thanks to EIMA TV, the Youtube channel of EIMA International and EDP, where all the documents and video contributions will be uploaded in real time during the showcase. EIMA TV is therefore a true video library “at a touch of your mouse”, allowing you to keep abreast of the many issues addressed during the Preview.

In addition to offering the widest overview of technologies for the primary sector, EDP represents a forum for reasoning about economics and agricultural policy thanks to in-depth discussions that touch on a wide range of topics of interest to farmers, contractors, businesspeople, mechanical technicians, as well as students and the media. A special focus is given to the macro-theme relating to the application of digital technologies in the agricultural field. Precision agriculture, agriculture 4.0 and IoT (the Internet of Things) are revolutionizing the primary sector, and this requires those working in this sector to update cultivation practices as well as rethink their professional roles.

On the other hand, the digitization of the agricultural sector, which is already here today, will assert itself even more intensely in the near future. The need to optimize production processes in the face of growing food demand, but also to ensure the sustainable use of natural resources by reducing the environment impact as much as possible, are the main accelerators of innovation in agriculture.

EDP dedicates a broad focus to the issue of the latest generation technologies with the meetings promoted by AGIA (Associazione Giovani Imprenditori Agricoli – Young Agricultural Entrepreneurs Association) – particularly the one entitled “Agricultural mechanization in light of the European Green Deal: the winning choices for young European entrepreneurs” scheduled for Wednesday 11 November from 12:00 to 13:00 in Room1 – AEF (Agricultural Industry Electronic Foundation) and by publishing houses and specialized magazines such as Edagricole-Tecniche Nuove, Trattori, Image Line, L’Informatore Agrario, Macchine Trattori, which already have scheduled many events on the subject.

Innovation is also at the centre of the webinars of EIMA Campus, the forum promoted by FederUnacoma – in collaboration with AIIA – between industries, universities and research centres with the aim of supporting companies in developing increasingly innovative products and services and to help them access highly qualified laboratories and human resources. To this end, major contributions are being made – among others – by the universities of Milan, Palermo, Florence, Bolzano, Padua and Reggio Emilia and by the Universities of Marche, Tuscia and Umbria. Sustainability is the central theme of the meetings organized by Itabia (Italian Biomass Association), which devote ample space to renewable energy in agriculture.

Another salient issue of EDP relates to the landscape of the world agricultural machinery market, which shines some lights with the first signs of recovery, but also many unknowns, especially relating to the resurgence of the pandemic in recent weeks. This will be discussed at the meeting entitled “Overview of the world agricultural mechanization market” (Wednesday 11 November, Room 1 from 16:00 to 17:00), promoted by Agrievolution, the body representing the manufacturers of the main countries.

A specific space of EDP – the Room Cantieri Verdi – is dedicated to the issues of green areas maintenance and urban features, with a full calendar of events promoted by the Biohabitat Foundation, due to take place throughout the entire virtual event.

Furthermore, the finalists of the Tractor of the Year 2021 will be presented during EDP, with an event held on Wednesday 11 November in the Live Area from 16:00 to 17:00.