2021 Africa Agriculture Status Report launched

2021 Africa Agriculture Status Report launched

The 2021 Africa Agriculture Status Report (AASR21) has been launched at the 11th Edition of the Africa Green Revolution Forum (AGRF) summit taking place in Kenya.

AGRF is an annual gathering that will run for the next three days and usually brings together heads of state and government, agriculture ministers, members of the civil society, private sector leaders, scientists and farmers in discussions that define the future of Africa’s food systems.

The report addresses the challenges and opportunities in the creation of sustainable and resilient Agri-food systems in Africa. The report has called for necessary actions by governments, pan African organizations, bilateral and multilateral development partners and the private sector.

Agricultural production growth

According to the report, Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) has registered the most rapid rate of agricultural production growth since 2000 of any regions of the world.  However, three quarters of this growth is driven by the expansion of crop land, over yield increases.

With Africa’s population expected to double to nearly 2.5 billion by 2050, the report says that now is the time for stakeholders to put the steps in place to increase production without compromising the continent’s natural resources.

The report further outlines the priorities and next steps that must be taken by all stakeholders to achieve the transformation that will lead to sustainable and resilient Agri-food systems. The AGRF meeting is running under the theme, Pathways to Recovery and Resilient Food Systems, and the summit expects to explore the pathways and actions needed to steer the continent towards food systems that deliver sufficient and nutritious food, protect the environment and create sustainable jobs.