Regenagri carbon insetting programme helps growers monetise environmental efforts


Regenagri carbon insetting programme helps growers monetise environmental efforts. Regenagri has launched the world’s first global carbon insetting programme, specifically for agri-commodities supply chains.

Providing farmers and growers with a route to monetise the positive environmental impacts achieved through regenagri certification, this step will aim to benefit farm businesses financially and improve supply chain sustainability, explains Franco Costantini, regenagri CEO.

“We’re pleased to announce an initial group of nine producer organisations across the USA, Ivory Coast, Turkey, Brazil, Pakistan and India have joined our carbon in setting programme, turning their regenerative practices across 871,827 acres into an opportunity for additional financial returns,” he says.

“This group includes different types of regenagri-certified organisations, from individual farms to smallholder collectives and farm cooperatives, growing a diverse range of crops, including cotton, coffee, nuts, soybeans, sugar and cereals.

Mr Costantini explains the carbon in setting programme builds on regenagri’s globally recognised certification, offering farmers an integrated solution for reaping the rewards of impact from regenerative improvements made on-farm.

“As part of the regenagri annual certification process, farms undergo annual third-party audits to validate their GHG and carbon reduction data, according to approved methodologies and protocols including the GHG Protocol and IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) principles,” he says.

By the end of 2025, the regenagri insetting programme is expected to expand to reach 1.5 million acres of farmland and generate more than 600.000 carbon insetting units.

“For those registered for the insetting programme, carbon insetting units will be issued based on the reduction in carbon footprint – offering the opportunity of an additional financial benefit to producers, as well as benefitting the planet.

He adds: “The insetting programme also provides supply chain organisations with the opportunity to decarbonise their supply chains by purchasing carbon insetting units generated by the very farms they source from. This ensures direct impact.”

As the demand for nature-friendly sustainable textiles increases, Mahesh Ramakrishnan from Olam Agri (Ivory Coast) adds that the insetting programme positions his organisation as an innovative leader in the cotton textile value chain.

“By embedding carbon reduction directly into Olam Agri’s supply chain, this localised approach drives measurable environmental, social, and economic benefits. It empowers farmers, enhances community resilience, and restores ecosystems, creating a holistic model for sustainability,” he says.

Amitabh Singh, director of Amiha Agro (India), is proud to be a part of the regenagri insetting Programme, as its principles resonate directly with his company mission – ‘Rejuvenating ancient purity through organic, regenerative and sustainable agriculture’.

“This collaboration reinforces our commitment to enhancing soil health, increasing biodiversity, and creating long-term value for our farmers and stakeholders,” he says.

Basak Erdem from Agrita (Turkey) explains the company produces cotton, grain and forage crops in Turkey and has been using regenerative methods since 2020, gaining regenagri certification in 2022.

“We are delighted to join the regenagri insetting programme to help fight against climate change and increase the value of the cotton our farmers produce,” she says.

Todd Straley, of Quarterway Cotton Growers in Texas, explains he is excited to partner with regenagri’s insetting programme.

“We believe innovation and collaboration are key to progress in agriculture. With this partnership, our farms can help solve the world’s carbon issues,” he says.

All farms and supply chains with a current regenagri- certification are eligible to access the insetting programme.

List of Registered Companies


Societe d’Exploitation Cotonniere – Olam Agri


Agrita Tarım Gıda Hayvancılık Sanayi ve Ticaret A.Ş


Quarterway Cotton Growers LLC

Hardwick Planting Company


Solidaridad Network Asia Limited-Bemda Dam Farmer Producer Company Ltd

Solidaridad Network Asia Limited-Orgohills Farmer Producer Company

Amiha Agro Private Limited

Pratham Organic Society


Coocacer – Cooperativa dos Cafeicultores do Cerrado de Araguari e Região Ltda

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