Phase 2 of Agriter project launched

Phase 2 of Agriter project launched

The French Development Agency (AFD) and the non-governmental organization Agrisud International are launching the second phase of the “Agriter” project. This initiative aims to develop sustainable family farming in five countries around the world, including three in Africa.

The project, which will be implemented over three years, focuses on the development of sustainable agriculture through the improvement of the performance of family farms engaged in agro-ecology. In addition to Haiti and Laos, the second phase of the ‘Agriter’ project will be implemented in Senegal, Ivory Coast and Madagascar.

The project, is set to enable the establishment of frameworks favourable to the agro-ecological transition of territories based on multi-actor planning and co-management mechanisms. Through its partners in the different countries concerned by the project, Agrisud will strengthen the different agricultural sectors (vegetables, fruit, short-cycle livestock, etc.) with the transfer of skills, particularly via a digital resource centre, and raise awareness among the general public, particularly young people, via networks.

Scope of work

In Ivory Coast, the Agriter II project will be implemented in partnership with the Autonomous District of Abidjan. In this West African country, the work will be carried out in the framework of the Promotion of Territorialized Agricultural Sectors (Profit) project which aims to support family food crop farming on the outskirts of Abidjan, based on cassava and vegetables.

In Madagascar, the development of sustainable family farming will be carried out by the Regional Agricultural Training Center (ILOFOSANA), the Malagasy Association for Economic, Social and Environmental Development (AMADESE) and the Albert Schweitzer Ecological Center (CEAS). These organisations will implement the Forestry, Agroforestry and Land Management project in the Itasy Region (MAHAVOTRA). In Senegal, the Network of agroecologists of Fatick (RAEF) and CEAS will implement the Revitalization of agricultural production on family farms in the Diourbel and Fatick regions (PRPA) project.

Agriter II is supported by a grant of more than 2 million euros from the French Development Agency (AFD). The financial institution estimates that the project will benefit 9,490 agricultural and para-agricultural VSEs (very small enterprises), 40 multi-stakeholder groups, as well as 110 development support organisations. The project is also financed by the Nouvelle-Aquitaine Region in France, the Institute for Research in Organic Agriculture (FiBL), Fonds Pierre Castel, Sogea Satom initiatives for Africa (ISSA), etc.