New Holland Agriculture delivers the first BigBaler 890 Plus and Roll-Belt 180, the biggest balers in India

BigBaler 890 Plus

New Holland Agriculture, one of the world’s leading agriculture equipment brands, recently delivered the first BigBaler 890 Plus in the country, and the biggest baler in the Indian market, to Mr Sukhbir Singh Dhaliwal and his team of M/s. Farm 2 Energy Pvt Ltd, Village Bija, Ludhiana. Mr Singh Dhaliwal, who also purchased a New Holland Roll-Belt™ 180 – one of the biggest round balers in India – received the keys to the machines during an official ceremony, which was also attended by prominent farmers of the region and senior officials from New Holland Agriculture.

M/s. Farm 2 Energy Pvt Ltd started its baling operation in 2015 and today owns eight  New Holland BR 6090 round balers, one Roll-Belt 180 CropCutter, one BigBaler 890, ten 9010 tractors, and six RKG 129 gyro rakes. They have been working independently on biomass collection from villages in Punjab, preventing crop residue burning. In 2018 alone, 20,000 acres of land were not burned as a result of M/s. Farm 2 Energy Pvt Ltd. collecting rice straw and sugarcane trash with New Holland equipment.

Sandeep Gupta, Business Head of Crop Solutions – New Holland, commented: “New Holland has led the big baler segment for over 25 years, revolutionising baling around the world. We are delighted to have delivered the first BigBaler 890 Plus in India to M/s. Farm 2 Energy Pvt Ltd. Our brand has always been a front runner when it comes to technology and innovation;  with the new BigBaler 890 Plus, New Holland Agriculture has taken a leap forward efficiency and power, increasing our farmers’ income and providing sustainable crop residual management solutions.”

The new BigBaler 890 model takes the baler range to a whole new level of productivity and efficiency and delivers best-in-class bale quality with up to 10% more density. Producing bales up to 80cm wide and 90cm high, it chomps through fields in the blink of an eye. Consistent day-long density, improved bale shape, reduced risk of twine snapping, baling even in the hottest conditions, gentler bale drop, and easier and more accessible maintenance are some of the exclusive features that make this machine the best offering in the market. This range is the natural choice for professional hay and straw contractors and is perfect for biomass operations.

New Holland Agriculture’s efforts have resulted in providing a sustainable solution for energy generation through renewable sources in India. Its complete range of equipment for the harvesting, collection and transport of biomass has contributed to a significant control in environmental pollution levels, enabling the use of surplus crop residue for energy generation instead of being burnt in the fields. Each New Holland BC 5060 baler has the ability, in every paddy season, to bale enough straw to produce electricity for 950 rural homes for a whole year. This shows how the wider adoption of straw management could make a big, positive difference to India’s air quality.

A gyro rake complements the baler by collecting the crop residue in windrows for easy pick-up by a baler, thereby increasing its efficiency by 25 to 60%. With a low power requirement of 35 to 40HP through PTO, the New Holland RKG 129 gyro rake is suitable even for very small farms.

To support farmers, New Holland Agriculture has established a dedicated customer helpline with the toll-free number 1800-419-0124. This helpline is available in Hindi, English, and eight other Indian regional languages.