“My Food is African” a New Book on Sustainable Family Farming

My Food is African cover

Alliance for Food Security in Africa Releases New Book on Sustainable Family Farming.

Even before Russia’s war on Ukraine unsettled commodity markets and drove up food prices, many countries in Africa faced shortages and food insecurity. One suggested solution is to accelerate the adoption of the “green revolution” industrial agriculture techniques used in Europe, North America and other areas. These techniques have been put into practice in Africa through funding from foundations and other international organizations. This year’s food price increases have provided a reason for some of these organizations to intensify efforts to consolidate land holdings and introduce mechanization and increased chemical inputs. These changes would necessarily impact family farmers.

This and other moves toward industrial agriculture are opposed by hundreds of civil society groups that have come together in the Alliance for Food Security in Africa (AFSA).

But far more than opposition, AFSA offers a positive vision of sustainable family farming that provides adequate food, increased incomes and environmental protection.

Much of this vision can be found in a new book: “My Food is African:  Healthy Soil, Safe Foods and Diverse Diets.”