Kenya launches Africa’s first ISO-certified personal protective clothing for farmers’ safety

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Kenya has launched Africa’s first ISO-certified personal protective equipment (PPE) specifically designed for farmers.

This significant development is led by the Pests Control Products Board (PCPB) in collaboration with various international partners.

The PPEs, certified under KS ISO 27065 C1, are made from breathable and reusable materials, providing effective protection against pesticide exposure.

This initiative aims to enhance the safety and sustainability of farming practices in Kenya, addressing a critical need for protective gear in the agricultural sector.

The introduction of this specialized PPE marks a new era in agricultural safety on the continent, offering farmers reliable protection against the health risks associated with chemical exposure during pesticide application.

This is a crucial step toward safeguarding farmers’ health and promoting sustainable farming practices in Kenya.

The gear is designed to be both comfortable and cost-effective, making it accessible to a broader range of farmers and significantly improving the working conditions within the agricultural sector.

This launch is part of broader efforts to ensure that Kenyan farmers have the necessary tools to protect themselves while maintaining productivity.

By adhering to international safety standards, these PPEs set a new benchmark for farmer safety across Africa.