EKMA in Ghana to improve gov’t initiatives in agriculture

EKMA in Ghana to improve gov’t initiatives in agriculture

The Effia-Kwesimintsim Municipal Assembly (EKMA) in Ghana has announced plans to improve the government’s initiatives in agriculture

Mr Kojo Acquah, the Municipal Chief Executive (MCE) confirmed the reports and said the Assembly remained committed to investing and repositioning agriculture to play its expected role. EKMA will be pursuing the Government’s interventions in agriculture such as the Planting for Food and Jobs, Planting for Export and Rural Development, and Rearing for Food and Jobs.

Mr Acquah, said from January 2020 to the end of the first quarter of 2022, the Assembly had distributed over 24,000 crops for nursing. 19 oil palm and more than 15,000 coconut seedlings had been distributed to local farmers, including one agricultural institution, and an agriculture extension agent in the Municipality. More than 13,385 beneficiary agricultural households were provided with free extension and veterinary services, fertilisers, as well as maize, cabbage, tomato, and onion inputs at subsidised prices.

Ghana Beyond Aid

The Assembly also distributed 500 cockerels to 54 poultry farmers for rearing to improve stock and reduce the import of chicken. Mr Acquah added that the Assembly provided Derbi Motobikes to four agricultural extension agents to enhance their visits to the farms for professional services to the farmers. It also embarked on climate-smart agriculture using pots, buckets, plastics, and wooden containers as well as soilless mediums to cultivate crops and introduced the rearing of catfish in tarpaulin ponds and quails, and rabbits in cages.

“We are on the right path and will continue to provide vital support and strengthen our partnerships to increase the availability of food at affordable prices and aid in achieving the Government’s vision of a “Ghana Beyond Aid,” he said.