EIMA International: a start with the “turbo”


In just three weeks, registrations jumped over a thousand, with 300 foreign companies already booked. The number of exhibitors is expected to grow and the entire exhibition center is expected to be sold out. Mariateresa Maschio: “there is great confidence but also great expectations from the operators”. Simona Rapastella: “EIMA is an ‘innovation factory’ where the agriculture of the future is built”.

The 46th edition of EIMA International, the world exhibition of agricultural mechanics that will be held from 6 to 10 November 2024 and which began the organisational phase on 30 November last year with the opening of registrations for the exhibiting industries, starts in a dazzling way. In just three weeks – announces FederUnacoma, the federation of Italian manufacturers that has always been the direct organiser of the exhibition – over a thousand registrations have been formalized, of which about 700 by Italian industries and about 300 by foreign manufacturers.

With this rate of adhesions – explains the Events Office of FederUnacoma – it is likely that it will soon be possible to reach and exceed the number of 1,530 exhibitors of the 2022 edition, occupying in each order of place the 140 thousand net square meters (350 gross) of the Bologna exhibition center. Significant is the fact – reported by the Events Office – that together with the confirmations of the companies that are traditionally present at EIMA International, numerous requests have been received from new companies, demonstrating a growing interest in the Bologna event.

This first booking phase will be followed by careful work on the allocation of exhibition spaces, divided by product sectors – says the FederUnacoma Events Office – with the aim of placing the participating industries in the best way and guaranteeing each of them the right visibility.

“The speed with which the manufacturers are signing up is a sign of great confidence towards this exhibition – observes the President of FederUnacoma Mariateresa Maschio – but it is also indicative of the very high expectations that the agromechanical world has towards EIMA”.

“We have the responsibility to offer an exhibition of the highest level – says the President – both in terms of technical content and in terms of cultural aspects and political reflections, since this exhibition addresses the great challenges of global agriculture, first of all, those of food security and environmental sustainability”.

“EIMA International is an event of great appeal for economic operators, agricultural entrepreneurs and agricultural mechanization technicians from all over the world – explains FederUnacoma General Director Simona Rapastella – but it is also the place where the development strategies of the sector are outlined and where you learn about the new models of agriculture and the transformations that robotics, advanced electronics and artificial intelligence are bringing to the cultivation of fields”.

“This exhibition, which last year reached a record number of 327 thousand visitors from 151 countries, offering over 50 thousand models of machines, equipment and components and a program of over 150 conferences and meetings on technical, economic and political topics – concludes Rapastella – is a true ‘factory of innovation’ (as the slogan of the campaign chosen for this edition says) where everyone, from manufacturers to universities, from agricultural companies to professional organizations, work to give agriculture a future, the best possible”.