Africa needs to increase fertiliser application 10 fold


Farmers in Africa are using, on average, 20 kilograms of fertiliser per hectare, which is a fraction of the global average, a senior official at a leading Moroccan fertiliser company has said.

To maximise yields per acre, it is estimated farmers in Africa will need to increase their fertiliser application by around tenfold.

“Doing this in a sustainable way – without longer-term environmental damage – will be crucial. Not just for the continent, but the globe as well: with 60% of the world’s remaining arable land, Africa’s vast, fertile soils represent humanity’s best hope for future food security,” OCP Group chairman and chief executive, Mostafa Terrab, has said.

“To address the immediate challenges of food insecurity prompted by skyrocketing commodity prices and export disruptions, stakeholders need to agree on urgent remedial actions. Any long-term solution to global food security and sustainable agriculture begins with the soil.

“Soil health is not only about preserving life beneath our feet. It makes all life above ground possible, from plants to people. An approach to farming that emphasizes soil health and customized fertilization for sustainable high yields is key to reducing agriculture’s carbon footprint. This is a win-win: healthier soil and enhanced biodiversity actively suck harmful carbon from the atmosphere, while maximising yields per acre reduces pressure globally to convert forests and grasslands to agriculture.”

He said technology is global, but innovation is local.

“Soil characteristics and growing conditions vary widely, not only globally but even within each continent, country, and region. This calls for a new approach to crop nutrition that shifts from commoditised products to customized crop nutrients that are adapted to different crops and soils, and applied at the right time.”

Terrab said delivering these goals was entirely possible in Africa using established “precision farming” techniques which observe, measure, and respond to changes in the fields and crops.

“For example, mobile laboratories are already crossing Africa collecting soil samples covering millions of hectares. With this data, farmers can map which parcels of land require what type of nourishment and when. More efficient application of the right fertilizer – only what the specific soil and crop needs and will use — reduces waste and run-off into ground and surface water.

“It also lowers costs while boosting yields per acre and, therefore, farmer incomes. African farmers are just as capable and eager as farmers anywhere in the world to increase their yields in a sustainable manner. They just need access to the right inputs, supply chains, financial tools, and innovations.”

He added speeding farming revolution in Africa will require substantial collective effort.

“Thankfully, there is growing awareness and commitment from a broad range of international partners – national governments, international and regional institutions, the private sector, universities, and others – who firmly believe African farmers, can play a key role in feeding the world while protecting the planet. There is much work left to do. But having a goal is not just noble – it is necessary.”