A global showcase of agricultural innovations, EIMA 2024 is an opportunity for Brazilian companies to expand their presence in the European market

to expand their presence in the European market An initiative of the Brazil Machinery Solutions trade sector project takes national manufacturers of agricultural machinery and equipment to the fair that is taking place in November, in Italy


Seven Brazilian companies supported by the Brazil Machinery Solutions (BMS) export promotion sector project, which is the result of a partnership between ABIMAQ (Brazilian Machinery Builders’ Association) and ApexBrasil (Brazilian Trade and Investment Promotion Agency), will attend the EIMA 2024, one of the main fairs in the agricultural sector in Europe, held between September 6 and 10, in Bologna, Italy.

In this edition, the companies Globus, IBS Comex (Almeida Equipamentos and Cadioli), Indústrias Colombo, J.Assy, Magnojet, São José Industrial and Vence Tudo will display their main products and launches to the more than 300 thousand visitors from 80 countries, who are expected to show up along the 5 days of the event. The objective of this action is to strengthen the international image of Brazilian agricultural machinery and equipment companies and expand business opportunities on the European continent.

The EIMA is the second largest agricultural fair in Europe, and one of the largest in the world. Held biennially in Bologna, an important center of Italy’s agricultural sector, the event is held in a total area of 375 thousand m². This year, the event will receive about 1700 exhibitors coming from 42 countries. More than 60 thousand models of equipment, machinery and vehicles will be on display.

Paulo Guerra, Institutional Affairs Manager at ABIMAQ, assesses the importance of Brazil’s participation in EIMA 2024. “The participation of Brazilian machinery and equipment manufacturers in EIMA 2024 reinforces the key role that Brazil plays in the global scenario of agricultural technology. The EIMA, one of the world’s leading showcases for innovations in the sector, offers a strategic platform for our companies to present their advanced solutions, promoting the development of the agricultural production chain. The Brazilian presence at this international event highlights the competitiveness and innovation capacity of our industries, in addition to strengthening global partnerships and opening new business opportunities in key markets such as Italy, the north of the African continent and Eastern Europe.”

Meet some of the companies and highlights on display:


Globus is the market leader in controllers for large vehicles, offering customizable electronic solutions in more than 40 countries. The company’s booth will hold on-site demonstrations of its Control Panels and ECUs for large vehicles and machinery, used in refrigeration, air conditioning, cabin control and multiplex functions.

IBS Comex

Founded in 2005, IBSComex is a Brazilian company specializing in the export of equipment, agricultural machinery and spare parts. Representative of the manufacturers Almeida Equipamentos and Cadioli, the trading company’s booth will promote the sugarcane and grain harvesters lines, as well as tractors and implements of both brands.

Indústrias Colombo

Indústrias Colombo is a Brazilian multinational that develops solutions for the mechanized harvesting of grains, pods and seeds (MIAC), as well as agricultural parts and components. The company’s highlight will be the Double Master II bean and peanut threshing harvester, with a vibrating sieve cleaning system and suction turbine, which provides higher quality of the harvested grains.


For more than 25 years in the agricultural market, J.Assy has developed technological solutions for the agricultural market and is present in the European, South African, Latin and North American markets. The company’s booth will showcase the Visum Seeder RF wireless irrigation flow sensor, designed to identify input variations between rows in the hose flow of air seeder machines.


Magnojet offers ceramic tips, filters and spray accessories, serving 80 countries. During the EIMA, the manufacturer will demonstrate its line of filters, backpack sprayers and spray accessories, such as ceramic spray tips, with a durability five times greater than plastic, as well as a FastCap quick coupling system, which is easy to maintain.

São José Industrial

As a manufacturer of agricultural implements focused on the grain logistics and soil preparation line, São José Industrial will promote its Gran Standard grain trailer. With a capacity of 13,500 liters, which makes it able to unload up to 55 bags per minute, the trailer promises to optimize the process with an increase of 30% in productivity, in addition to a low maintenance cost.

Vence Tudo

Vence Tudo, a manufacturer of agricultural implements present in the market for 60 years, will advertise at its booth its line of seeders, harvester platforms and agricultural implements, developed to work in different crops of grains, seeds and types of terrain.