Gambia disburses D3.5M loan to farmers

Gambia disburses D3.5M loan to farmers

The Ministry of Agriculture in Gambia has disbursed D3.5 million dalasi loan to nine (9) Small Ruminant Farmers across the country.

The funds were issued through the Small Ruminant Production Enhancement Project (SRPEP) who presided over ceremony held at Department of Livestock Service Hall in Abuko.

The project is aimed at contributing to the improvement of the livelihood of pastoral communities in The Gambia by strengthening the productivity and resilience of rural communities and stimulating business entrepreneurship in the livestock sector.

The disbursement of the microfinance loan scheme was carried out by The Gambia Teachers Union Credit Co-operative Union (GTUCCU) and Supersonicz Micro Finance Limited on behalf of the SRPEP.

Microfinance loan scheme

At the event, Supersonicz Microfinance disbursed D1.4M to five (5) farmers, while GTUCCU disbursed a sum of D2.1M to four (4) farmers, making it a total of D3.5 million on behalf of Small ruminant production enhancement project.

“This is first disbursement of the microfinance loan scheme being carried out by GTUCCU and Supersonicz Micro Financial limited under my ministry,” said Amie Fabureh, Minister of Agriculture.

She recalled that Small Ruminant Production Enhancement Project was launched in October 2019 and financed in two steps consisting of four major components, which are improvement of small ruminant production, processing and marketing; Access to Islamic Financing and support to capacity building; masterplan development for livestock value chains and project management and development.

Mamud Njie, project Director of The Small Ruminant Production Enhancement Project (SRPEP), said supporting small ruminant is one of the major components of the project, as improvement of small ruminants is something that the farmers have long been yearning for.

“Based on procurement, the GTUCCU and Supersonicz Micro Finance are selected to lead the Micro Finance for the small ruminant farmers,” said Njie.