NAMPO virtual, coming to a screen near you!


In less than 48 hours South Africa’s first fully virtual agriculture-focused Expo and Conference will open.

Featuring almost 100 leading suppliers, exhibitor webinars, panel discussions and more, NAMPO Virtual offers visitors the opportunity to stay updated on the latest agricultural trends and developments.

NAMPO Virtual enables farmers, producers and the agri industry at large to log in from Virtually Anywhere and Virtually Everywhere, from within South African and across the border to participate in the bumper four-day trade show, AgriXtra conference digital TV channel, Agri in Motion panel discussions as well as a variety programme on the Main Stage.

It is a first for NAMPO Virtual and visitors to attend and experience both the show floor and the informative digital TV programme at no cost.

Visit to view the full conference and entertainment programme as well as viewing the Exhibitor List to see who is exhibiting.

Complimentary visitor registration is available at

NAMPO Virtual agriculture exhibition and AgriXTra digital TV channel is open from Wednesday 9 September and runs until Saturday 12 September 2020. Show hours are 09:00 – 19:00 daily except Saturday when the show closes at 14:00.