1.58m in acute food insecurity in Angola: WFP


At least 1.58 million people are in acute food insecurity in south-western Angola, the World Food Programme (WFP) has announced in a situation report released on Monday.

A total of US$ 2.1 million six-month from August 2022 – January 2023 for funding shortfall in the region.

Another 30 000 people will be assisted in the second round of commodity voucher distribution in August-September 2022.

“WFP has finished preparations for the second cycle of the commodity vouchers distributions in August-September 2022 in the south of Angola (Huila and Cunene provinces),” it said in its report.

“Around 30 000 people in the drought-affected areas are expected to receive commodity vouchers. Each family will receive a voucher with a value equivalent to 25 kg of rice, 25 kg of maize meal, 10 kg of pulses, 5L of oil, and 1 kg of salt.

“WFP started the training of health unit workers on the management of moderate acute malnutrition in Huila province. The training is part of the Huila programme on Community Management of Acute Malnutrition and will help to ensure a smooth referral process for children from the community to health units. The training has been conducted in 8 out of 19 targeted health units with 13 health workers trained so far.”

The WFP added it was finalising the preparations for the start of the asset creation programme in Lovua refugee settlement.
The Lunda Norte Provincial Department of Agriculture provided two metric tonnes of rice seed and two metric tonnes corn seed for the programme.

“In line with the latest Food Security Assessment in the settlement, 9 out of 10 refugee households rely on food assistance as their primary source of subsistence. The asset creation programme will be aimed at reducing this dependence through training and distribution of agricultural tools and seeds.”