Zimbabwe to buy agriculture drones

Zimbabwe to buy agriculture drones

The government of Zimbabwe has announced plans to purchase agricultural drones to fight birds, pests and diseases that threaten crops.

The country’s Minister of Lands, Agriculture, Water, Fisheries and Rural Development Dr Anxious Masuka revealed they plan to buy 10 agricultural drones cameras spot pests and birds in fields and the technology and will be launched to drive off the avian irritants and spray chemicals to kill them.

“Agriculture sector is important to the country as it is the backbone and foundation of the economy. We are in the process of buying 10 long range agriculture drones that are able to cover 100 km to mitigate against the surge in birds, pests and diseases that threaten the winter wheat and the summer crop. So in future when an outbreak for example of Quelea birds occurs here (Kwekwe), we will be able to launch from Gweru,” said Dr Masuka.

Economic performance

Zimbabwe’s economic performance largely depends on developments in its agricultural sector.  The country has 4,130,000 hectares of arable land, 25 percent of which is cultivated using animal and manual draught power.

Following the government’s fast-track land reform program which began in 2000, irrigation infrastructure deteriorated, and most of the new landowners depend on rain rather than irrigation for their crops. The Government is also working on having provincial response centres that are coordinated from the national centre to fight pests, birds and diseases that threaten the crops.


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