Water Pumps: Emergency Saviours and Everyday Heroes


Twenty-five per cent of Zambia is subjected to fires annually. The situation is currently worsened by El Niño which has resulted in severe drought, and by the end of 2023,

19.9 million hectares, representing 26.5% of the land area, were burnt.  These fires, both natural and deliberate, threaten lives, forests, agriculture and livelihoods, causing millions in damages annually.

Firefighting equipment plays a crucial role in combating these devastating wildfires and Bradley Barthorpe – Sales, Manager for Africa Distributors at Husqvarna Group, highlights the importance of the appropriate tools. “Those fighting fires, whether professional or community members, need reliable equipment to do this effectively. For example, a high-volume, low-pressure water pump—an essential tool that can mean the difference between saving property, forests or crops and losing it to fire,” he says. Barthorpe elaborates on why he considers these water pumps invaluable tools for farmers, foresters and communities:

  • Portability

The portability of water pumps is a critical factor in effective firefighting operations. A lightweight, well-designed pump that can be easily loaded onto a pickup truck and carried to various water sources is essential for rapid response. Such mobility allows firefighters to quickly relocate their equipment as needed, without relying on large trucks or extensive manpower. This versatility significantly enhances the efficiency and speed of fire suppression efforts, especially in areas with limited access or challenging terrain.

  • Reliability

In the high-stress environment of firefighting, equipment reliability is paramount. Firefighters require absolute confidence that their water pumps will start immediately, without fail. Time spent repairing or struggling with unreliable equipment can have dire consequences. This is why many people opt for Husqvarna’s water pumps. These units are renowned for their quick, easy, and dependable starting systems, coupled with exceptional reliability. Such robust performance is crucial in emergencies, where every second counts and equipment failure is not an option.

  • High Volume

High-volume, low-pressure pumps are crucial for efficiently refilling bulk water tanks in firefighting operations. These pumps minimise the time spent away from active fire zones, allowing for rapid replenishment of firefighting resources. The speed of refilling is comparable to that of a Formula 1 pit crew, emphasising the critical nature of swift turnaround times. Husqvarna water pumps are noted for their ability to move large volumes of water quickly, enabling those fighting fires to return to the front lines promptly. This rapid refilling capability is often pivotal in averting potential disasters, as it allows teams to maintain continuous fire suppression efforts without prolonged interruptions.

“While their primary role in firefighting is crucial, portable water pumps offer a range of benefits beyond emergency situations,” adds Barthorpe. “These versatile devices prove invaluable in various agricultural and water management tasks. They can efficiently drain flooded areas, protecting crops and infrastructure from water damage,” he says.

Bathorpe goes on to explain that the pumps are also instrumental in water transfer operations, moving water between reservoirs to optimise resource distribution. Additionally, they simplify the task of filling water troughs for livestock, saving time and labour. “This multifunctionality makes these pumps essential tools for year-round farm management, enhancing productivity and preparedness for both routine tasks and unexpected challenges, he concludes.

For more information, go to https://www.husqvarna.com/zm or your local dealer.


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