Social media: a new channel to talk about agriculture


Hundreds of them exist already and they are changing communication in agriculture. Young agro-influencers showcase life and work in the fields on major social media platforms, debunking myths and stereotypes. At EIMA International they relate their life experience in a creative and direct style

There are hundreds of influencers, some of whom are already quite well established with a huge number of followers on platforms like Instagram. And they are changing the rules of communication in agriculture. They are making use of a new method to talk about their lives and their work in the fields, working with tractors and combine harvesters or working in the stables. But above all they talk about the passion, dedication, commitment, and responsibility that drives them in their daily activities. They are agro-influencers, young agricultural entrepreneurs who have chosen to use social media to explain what it means to cultivate the land or raise livestock today. “The phenomenon is still in its infancy, but the number of followers is already significant.

There are many women among the influencers, and this – says Enrico Calentini, president of Agia-Cia, association of young farmers – contributes to dispelling the stereotype that associates only male figures with agricultural work. Quite a few of them operate in Apennine areas subject to depopulation, and thus they also provide news about their local territories”.

At the EIMA International exhibition of agricultural and gardening machinery, some of the most followed agro-influencers were invited by Agia to explain what led them to talk about their passion for agriculture over social networks. “Words don’t last long, but content that relates to the situation of the primary sector is high in value”, explains Matteo Pagliarani, a 30-year old farmer from Mercato Saraceno, in the province of Forlì-Cesena.

The message that the new agro-influencers convey also seeks to dispel old myths, and to overcome barriers and preconceptions. “I work in beekeeping – says Luca Bianchi, a young entrepreneur from Fabriano, in the province of Ancona – and discussing agriculture was something I needed to do, because being a farmer takes time, steadfastness, and respect for nature. I wanted to tell others about the seasonality, challenges, and difficulties and all of the great potential in each that is still unexpressed and the beauty of the natural landscapes that surround us”. Laura Sette, a cattle breeder from Abruzzo, runs the company she inherited from her father.

“I started almost as a joke,” she admits, “talking about my life, which ultimately means talking about my business. With social media I can give people an idea of what agriculture is like, how it produces food while preserving and protecting the territory at the same time”.