Production of eggs for consumption drops in Tunisia

Production of eggs for consumption drops in Tunisia

The production of eggs meant for consumption in Tunisia recorded a 5.5% drop in 2021 compared to 2020. This is contrary to prices, which increased by 230 millimes per unit as of December 31, 2021, resulting in a 1.2% growth compared to the same month of the previous year.

The records which come from the National Observatory of Agriculture (ONAGRI) shows have been released at a time when pressure is being exerted on the supply and prices of eggs for consumption, prompting the Ministry of Trade to set maximum profit margins.

The ministerial department has announced profit margins of 15 millimes per unit at the wholesale level and 15 millimes per unit at the retail level with the adoption of a maximum price at the public sale level of around 1100 millimes for four eggs.


The Trade Ministry has, in the same context, called on egg producers to strengthen the supply, to meet the needs of supply and accelerate the formation of a buffer stock for Ramadan 2022.

ONAGRI noted that the average monthly price of eggs increased by 16.3% compared to the same month last year, to 229.7 millimes per unit in 2021, against 197.5 millimes per unit in 2020. The average prices recorded slight volatility at the level of the regions. Indeed, in the south of the country production prices reached 229.8 millimes per unit, followed by the north with 229.7 millimes per unit, then the centre with 229.6 millimes per unit.

The Trade Ministry is working within the framework of a strategy to control the price of eggs for consumption to encourage stakeholders in the distribution channels of eggs to update the declarations of their activities and the patents of the premises of sale and storage within a maximum period not exceeding 31 January 2022.