International Business Round at Agrishow records US$ 32 million

The initiative, put together by BMS Program in partnership with Apex-Brasil, brought together Brazilian industries of machinery, farming implements, irrigation equipment and foreign buyers.

 The 20th International Business Round, which happened between April 30th and May 2nd, during the 26th International Fair of Agricultural Technology in Action – Agrishow 2019, recorded US$ 32,926 million among done and future deals to the next twelve months. This value represents a 61% growth if compared to the same initiative during Agrishow 2018, which resulted in US$ 20,450 million. The initiative was organized by the Brazil Machinery Solutions Program, a partnership between the Brazilian Agency for the Promotion of Exports and Investments (Apex-Brasil) and The Brazilian Association of Machinery and Equipment Industry (ABIMAQ).

For this edition of the International Business Round, the BMS Program brought together 52 Brazilian manufacturers of machines, agricultural implements and irrigation equipment, with 15 foreign buyers (importers, distributors and representatives) from Argentina, Australia, Chile, Colombia, Ethiopia, Mexico, Nigeria and Peru. During the three days 463 meetings were held between them.

According to ABIMAQ’s External Market Director and BMS Program Manager, Patrícia Gomes, the action was very positive and reinforces the relevance and competitiveness of the Brazilian machinery, agricultural implements and irrigation equipment industry. “This edition of the Buyer Project showed that Brazilian industry is increasingly seeking opportunities in the international market in a consolidated way,” she says.

The International Business Round, denominated by Apex-Brasil as Buyer Project, has as main objective to enhance contact and negotiations between Brazilian manufacturers and importers from different countries. The selection work of importers is carried out in advance by consultants specialized in international matchmaking, who cross-check information and identify buyers in several countries that have an interest in Brazilian products.

Still related to the foreign participation during the Agrishow, the International Bureau, space dedicated to the reception of this public, received a greater number of international visitors, about 15% more than in the last edition. Countries such as Argentina, Bolivia, Colombia and the United States, registered the largest number of visitors. Also noteworthy were the delegations from countries such as Argentina, Australia, Cameroon, Ghana, Netherlands, Italy, Kuwait, Paraguay and Senegal.

 About Agrishow 2019 – It is a globally recognized event with the launch of the main trends and innovations for agribusiness, in which solutions are presented for all types of crops and properties. In 25 years, it has become an industry benchmark worldwide. In its last edition, in 2018, it gathered more than 800 exhibiting brands, received 160 thousand qualified visitors from over 80 different countries and added up to R $ 2.7 billion in business started during the event. It is an initiative that brings together relevant Brazilian entities: together with the Brazilian Association of Machinery and Equipment Industry (ABIMAQ) are the Brazilian Association of Agribusiness (ABAG), the National Association for the Diffusion of Fertilizers (ANDA), the Federation of Agriculture and Livestock of the State of São Paulo (FAESP) and Sociedade Rural Brasileira SRB).

 About Apex-Brasil – The Brazilian Agency for the Promotion of Exports and Investments (Apex-Brasil) works to promote Brazilian products and services abroad and attract foreign investment to strategic sectors of the Brazilian economy. The Agency carries out diversified commercial promotion actions, such as prospective and commercial missions, business roundtables, support for the participation of Brazilian companies in major international fairs, and visits by foreign buyers and opinion makers to know the Brazilian production structure. More information at 

About ABIMAQ – The Brazilian Association of Machinery and Equipment Industry (ABIMAQ) was founded in 1937, with the objective of acting in favor of strengthening the national industry, mobilizing the sector, carrying out actions in political and economic instances, stimulating trade and international cooperation and contributing to improve its performance in terms of technology, human resources training and managerial modernization. More information:

 About the Brazil Machinery Solutions Program – A result of the partnership between the Brazilian Agency for the Promotion of Exports and Investments (Apex-Brasil) and the Brazilian Association of Machinery and Equipment Industry (ABIMAQ), Brazil Machinery Solutions Program aims to promote Brazilian exports of machines and equipment, as well as to strengthen the image of Brazil as a manufacturer of mechanical capital goods in a sustainable way, with technology and competitiveness. The BMS Program currently has about 400 members, among industries in various sectors, such as agriculture, textiles, mining, plastic, packaging, among others. In 2018, companies associated with the BMS Program registered exports to 159 countries. To join the Program and for more information, refer to: