EU partners with Kenya in Ksh5m poultry centre project to multiply new climate smart chicken breed

Dr. Joshua Chepchieng (left) Secretary Administration State Department for Livestock holds a cock at the Kakamega KALRO poultry multiplication unit

Poultry farmers in Kenya are set to boost production following a Ksh5m (about $37,749) poultry centre project for multiplication of a newly introduced climate smart chicken breed that is well adapted to tropical climatic conditions and requires less feed than the ordinary or exotic ones.

The poultry centre project has been funded by the European Union and the government through the Agrifi Kenya Climate Smart Agricultural Productivity Project.

According to the Kenya Agricultural Livestock Research Organisation (KALRO) he 2,000-bird capacity centre will be producing the new improved KC3 which is also resistant to common infections compared to the local birds.

“The KC3 breed is in response to socio-cultural demands as it has a plumage and colour that appeal to market demands,” said Joshua Chepchieng, Livestock Principal Secretary during the launch of the breeding and multiplication centre at the Non-ruminant Research Institute (NRI) in Kakamega County, Western Kenya.

The breeding and multiplication centre has been constructed to speed up the multiplication of the chickens and increase the availability of day-old chicks to farmers in Western Kenya, North and Central Rift, Nyanza and Kisii counties, where demand for white meat has been on the increase in recent years.

“These improved lines grow and produce as many eggs as the local breeds while consuming less feed compared to exotics,” said Chepchieng.

While the local birds, popularly known as kienyeji, take eight months to reach table weight and point of lay, the KALRO improved one takes only four months, according to the government research organisation.

The newly unvailed poultry centre in Kakamega County Western Kenya. The centre will be used to multiply the newly introduced KC3 chicken breed for kenyan farmers

A KC3 hen can lay up to 230 eggs per year.

Poultry production in Kenya

The country’s annual production of day-old chicks is 600,000 yet demand is more than two million.

“As demand outstripped supply, and farmers had to wait for three to four months for chicks, a decision was made to increase capacity at NRI Kakamega by building a breeding house and expanding the hatchery,” said Chepchieng.

With the establishment of the structure in Kakamega, the research institute will be producing and supplying 34,000 day old chicks every month.

“The Kakamega centre can produce 19,000 chicks per month. Together with the other in Naivasha, we will be producing 34,000 chicks in the same period,” said Dr. Chepchieng.

Kalro Kakamega Institute Director, Joseph Munyasi said indigenous chickens account for 78 per cent of poultry in Kenya, adding that it is an integral part of the farming system in many households.

“Chickens are mainly owned by women, young people and landless families as they are an easy source of income. The birds are also credited for their adaptability,” said the director.

Despite accounting for more than two-thirds of the chicken population, the productivity of indigenous breeds is constrained by the high cost of feeds, poor animal quality, diseases, low genetic potential and poor management practices.

“With this in mind, Kalro has maintained a robust chicken programme with four long-term objectives – enhanced sustainable production, highly developed multiplication and dissemination infrastructure, established conservation and husbandry support schemes,” said Munyasi.