BKT Tires : In Bhuj the horizon has never been so close

Thanks to the expansion of its most strategic plant,  BKT announces its business plan: to achieve turnover in 2026  of 2 billion dollars and...

Food production for the future climate

''We seem to have forgotten why food is being produced” stressed Saa Dittoh – Adjunct Professor of Food Systems at WACWISA – in a...

How to Properly Store Livestock Feed for Preservation

Africa’s livestock agriculture industry is essential to the global economy and future food security. It accounts for one-third of the world’s livestock population and...

Helping Farms Recover After Natural Disasters

In the wake of severe droughts and plagues of locusts, many African farms have become dry, desolate landscapes on the verge of collapse. The...

Protecting greenhouses and preserving the crop [Case study]

How automation and notification system from Ajax tripled production efficiency Ajax turned the passive environmental monitoring system into an active control system with alarm generation...

What Roles Do Dogs Play in African Agriculture?

African farmers who enlist the aid of livestock guardian dogs see an average 91 percent reduction in livestock losses. In agricultural areas where livestock can...

Private sector contributions can enable land restitution beneficiaries to transform rural economies

Land Reform – The private sector can play a significant role in land reform efforts aimed at alleviating deepening levels of poverty among rural...

Water Security in Africa Starts with Educating Our Youth

A general estimate by environmental agencies is that we waste 136 litres or 30 gallons per day per person, particularly in developed and urban...

Developing Sustainable Aquaculture in Africa

Aquaculture has become an increasingly important industry in Africa in recent years. As populations continue to grow and demand for seafood rises, sustainable fish...

Pheasants at risk on unfamiliar ground

Pheasants are most likely to be killed by predators on unfamiliar ground, new research shows. Most animals live within a certain area, known as their...
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