Call Open for Applications to the African Plant Nutrition Outreach Fellowship


The 2022 edition of the African Plant Nutrition Outreach Fellowship Award Program opened its two-month submission period in search of creative proposals addressing accelerated delivery and adoption of improved soil fertility management in Africa.

The African Plant Nutrition Outreach Fellowship has up to two awards of $5,000 (U.S. Dollars) available for two scientists or extension specialists working within an African NARES (National Agricultural Research and Extension System) institution, African university, nonprofit organization, or the private sector.

Our continued goal for this Fellowship is to inspire improved outreach programs that will lead to greater implementation of appropriate soil fertility management in African agricultural systems,” explained APNI Director General Dr. Kaushik Majumdar. “Ideas for new approaches to data synthesis, communication tools, training events, or other innovative, high impact initiatives are of great interest to the Fellowship committee.

The submission deadline is 31 August, 2022.

All details and instructions on how to apply can be found at the website:

The African Plant Nutrition Outreach Fellowship Award Program is co-sponsored by the African Plant Nutrition Institute (, Mohammed VI Polytechnic University (, and OCP Group (