Meyn launches new Physic In-Line Thigh Deboner M1.0


Meyn, a leading poultry processing solutions company,
Meyn introduces the new Physic In-Line Thigh Deboner M1.0 in response to the growing popularity of dark meat chicken.
In many markets around the world, deboned thigh meat is realizing higher retail values than single thighs. As a result, Meyn developed an innovative in-line thigh deboning solution for the Physic cut-up line. The thigh deboning carousels are integrated within the line, enabling the bypass of legs based on weight and quality. Combined with Meyn® Distribution Manager software, processors have all the capacity & flexibility they need. Based on recipes in the software, the Physic produces whole wings, first joints, midwings, legs, thighs, drumsticks and deboned dark meat in the exact quantities and quality as ordered by retail & food service customers.
The Physic In-Line Thigh Deboner M1.0 is the most compact and productive thigh deboner on the market, with a two-carousel footprint of only 35 square meters (377 sq. ft.) and a production capability of converting 15,000 whole legs per hour into high quality boneless thigh fillets, with or without skin. In addition, the system yields excellent quality drumsticks.
Jeroen Bohm, Product Director Meyn says, “our unique, patent pending deboning technology delivers the highest number of bone and cartilage-free products, requiring the least number of people for inspection and trimming and no manual loading or additional re-hangers are required.”
Compared to manual deboning the Meyn® Physic In-Line Thigh Deboner M1.0 saves 33 workers (FTE) per shift.