South Africa’s premium fresh-fruit brand launches fitness challenge

Tru-Cape Fitness Fun Challenge

The largest exporter of South African apples and pears is also entirely owned by its growers. Tru-Cape Fruit Marketing growers produce apples and pears sold throughout South Africa and in 105 countries around the globe. As eating fresh fruit and vegetables is a proven part of a healthy and immune-system boosting diet, Tru-Cape focuses its sponsorship efforts on healthy pursuits in which the whole family can participate.

The Tru-Cape Fitness Challenge, in conjunction with radio KFM 94.7, runs until March 29. Runners, cyclists, spinners, swimmers, joggers or those just starting their fitness journey are all invited to get involved by logging kilometres and calories burnt via an @KFM link. Aside from the benefit of being healthier, weekly prizes include a Garmin watch, Tru-Cape cycling kit, Tru-Cape running cap while the main prize is a draw for an iPad.
Tag the #Tru-CapeFitnessFun challenge in your fitness selfies!

Tru-Cape’s Marketing Director Conrad Fick says the campaign, executed by content producers Recode Media, will reach Tru-Cape’s primary target audience within KFM’s demographic. “Tru-Cape is also using our own social-media channels and leveraging our Facebook engagement of over 16900 people. Winners will be based on total calories burned or most kilometres logged via the KFM-site link. The main prize of an iPad will go to one of the three weekly winners via random draw.” Fick ends