Maintaining correct fertilizer moisture levels has become a critical component during the various stages of fertilizer production

Maintaining correct fertilizer moisture levels has become a critical component during the various stages of fertilizer production. Fertilizer can easily become either too wet or dry wasting manufacturer’s time and money as well as impacting the quality of the end product. With the help of industry partners and 40 years of knowledge and experience, MoistTech has developed the IR-3000 moisture sensor that is ideally suited to measure the moisture levels in fertilizer.

MoistTech Corp. is a leading global manufacturer of Moisture Measurement Sensors and equipment, first established in 2003 by Director John Fordham alongside two other fellow engineers. The company have their head office based in Sarasota, FL, which covers North & South America, and other lcations across Asia, Africa, the Middle East and Europe.

The biggest benefits MoistTech customers realize with its sensors are energy reduction and drying control. Quality and energy savings are a big focus for our customers; the energy savings are significant in the reduction of over-drying. Not only is it about quality, moisture is money and one additional percent of moisture can cost an enormous amount of money in a lot of manufacturing facilities.

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