World Food Program donates motorbikes, tractors, power tillers in Liberia

World Food Program donates motorbikes, tractors, power tillers in Liberia

The World Food Program (WFP), as part of its commitment to support the agriculture sector has donated equipment to the Ministry of Agriculture (MOA).

At the Ministry of Agriculture, WFP, through its Country Director, Karla Hershey, donated five motorbikes, two tractors, and two power tillers, as well as two rotary tillers, one destoner, and rice dryer to the MOA.

These equipment, according to Ms. Hershey, is in line with WFP’s Country plan to help strengthen the capacities of national and sub-national institutions of government to achieve the SDGs’ target of ending hunger by 2030.

“The World Food Program remains fully prepared to continue serving as a reliable partner to the government of Liberia in strengthening the food systems and empowering people and communities towards their food security and nutrition needs through livelihood assets and agriculture market support programs”, she said.


She further explained that the two groups have collaborated on many initiatives including the setting up of three Agri-equipment pools in Bong, Montserrado and Bomi Counties with intent to reduce the labor and time it requires for smallholder farmers to increase their production using manual tools.

She assured WFP commitment to continue working with the Ministry of Agriculture to promote the Liberian government aspiration for the agriculture sector embedded in the government Pro-poor development plan.

Receiving the items for the Ministry, the Deputy Minister for Planning and Development at the Ministry of Agriculture Mr. Roberts K. Fagans, Sr., thanked the WFP through its Country Director for the continued support to the agriculture sector of Liberia.