TİKA establishes a poultry farm in Niger

TİKA establishes a poultry farm

TİKA has established a modern poultry farm for the benefit of Mouradou Feri Women’s Group that operates in the village of Gorou Banda in Niamey, the capital of Niger.

A great majority of the population in Niger lives on agriculture and husbandry, and the literacy rate among women is below 10%. Girls who cannot go to school because of limited opportunities are forced to get married at a young age, and they are, thus, deprived of work life. It is one of the priorities of the Nigerien government to integrate women to social and economic life, and TİKA supports the government’s efforts in this direction by running projects in diverse sectors.

Mouradou Feri Women’s Group carries out activities in moringa production, river fishing, pottery and sheep and goat breeding. Now, a modern poultry farm has been established in Gorou Banda for the benefit of Mouradou Feri Women’s Group. Besides, the farm has been provided with 1100 chickens, 2 and a half tons of chicken bait, vaccines, and supplementary equipment.

Niger-Türkiye cooperation will increasingly continue

The poultry farm was handed over to Mouradou Feri Women’s Group with a ceremony attended by the Ambassador of Türkiye, Özgür Çınar, and TİKA’s Niamey Coordinator, İrfan Pamuk. The speakers who took the floor at the ceremony said the relations between Niger and Türkiye must increasingly continue. With this project, the purpose is to increase women’s participation in economic life and boost animal production in Niger.