Securing the future of farming in Zambia by implementing climate adapted farming methods

(Picture 1) Soybean in a Conventional Tillage (left) and No-Till plot (right)

Zambia has seen impacts of climate change across the entire country in recent years. The rains come late in the season and end early; often resulting in heavy runoff and floods. The climate adapted farming methods project an initiative of the Zambian-German Agricultural Knowledge and Training Centre (AKTC) which started in 2019, is aimed at minimizing climate related impacts and secure income among small-scale and emergent farmer through the practice of mechanized conservation agriculture.

Join us at AgriTech Expo Zambia 2022 from 7 – 9 April at the GART premises near Chisamba to discuss learnings of field trials and see first-hand the most recent developments in the farming sector

Achieving good plant stand is a key factor for high yields; plant populations in no-till plots developed better than in conventional tillage plots (Picture 1). Likely a result of higher soil moisture contents and reduced evaporation – no-till reducing rainwater runoff and improving the water infiltration.

Less time and fuel was required for planting in no-till plots reducing production cost while weed control and insect control recorded insignificant time, labour and fuel differences.
AgriTech Expo Zambia – the most important agricultural trade fair in Zambia presented by ZNFU and organized by DLG Agriculture a local subsidiary of the German Agricultural Society (DLG), at GART will be an ideal platform to exchange more information with the AKTC project leaders and mechanised conservation agriculture project partners like Bayer, Seed Co, Omnia fertilizers, Precision Farming.

The complete list of exhibitors at AgriTech Expo Zambia can be found at – AgriTech Expo Zambia takes place from the 7 – 9 of April 2022 at the GART outdoor exhibition field, near Chisamba – Zambia.