Royal Innovative supports the agricultural growth of Africa from Turkey


Specializing in international trade, Royal Innovative announced that in 2022, the volume of agricultural trade that it mediated between Turkey and Africa increased by 90%; the company, which supports hundreds of farmers thanks to its agricultural platform, announced that they have supported the investment of $ 1 million+ in African countries through the lease of agricultural lands

The global pandemic and the subsequent Russia-Ukraine crisis showed the whole world that agriculture is a vital and strategic sector for every country. While Turkey’s exports to Africa increased in 2022, agricultural products came to the fore in the commercial relations between the two countries. Boris Volfman, Founder of Royal Innovative , a company engaged in international trade, logistics, project management, and financing, said, “Agricultural trade and cooperation between Turkey and African countries draws attention. This contributes to the modernization and development of the agricultural sector in African countries. We, as Royal Innovative, increased the total trade volume between Africa and Turkey in 2022. While we supported hundreds of farmers thanks to our agricultural platform, we also supported a lot of investment in African countries through the lease of agricultural lands.

Turkey’s exports to North African countries increased by 5.1%

According to the data released by the Turkish Exporters Assembly, Turkey’s exports to North African countries in 2022 increased by 5.1% compared to the previous year and reached 13 billion 148 million dollars. When the countries exported are ranked from largest to smallest, Egypt, Morocco and Libya were in the top three, followed by Algeria, Tunisia and Sudan. The sectors that exported the most to North Africa in 2022 were chemicals and products, steel, cereals, pulses and oilseeds.

Stating that companies in Turkey do not only export, but also carry out various projects for the modernization of the agricultural sector in the region, Royal Innovative Founder Boris Volfman said, “Turkey also cooperates with Africa in the field of agricultural technology. Agricultural machinery and advanced agricultural technologies are also exported from Turkey to African countries.”

We deliver agricultural products grown in Africa to Europe

Stating that agricultural products such as coffee, cocoa, bananas, tropical fruits and spices are exported from Africa to Turkey, Boris Volfman stated that the cooperation between the two countries has moved to another dimension with the leasing of agricultural lands. He underlined that a range of agricultural investors ranging from corporate businesses to smaller enterprises lease large-scale farmland in Africa and offer consultancy services to them as Royal Innovative.

“We guide companies that want to invest in Africa in choosing the right lands. Not all produce on these lands are sold in local markets. Through our network, we ensure that the products produced in the country are sold to Europe.”

Turkey leases farmland in Africa

According to official statements, Turkey has leased 1 million acres of agricultural land from Sudan in recent years. In 2020, an agreement was signed between Turkey and Niger for the allocation of an area of 1 million hectares to Turkey. Royal Innovative Founder Boris Volfman commented: “This activity has a positive impact for African countries. Turkey’s agricultural technology and know-how can play an important role in the modernization and development of the agricultural sector in Africa. In addition, this activity provides income to African countries and contributes to the development of the local agricultural sector. In addition, not only Turkish state officials but also private companies are taking initiatives for agricultural land leasing activities,” he said.