Nigeria bans foreigners from buying agric produce directly from farmers

Nigeria bans foreigners from buying agric produce directly from farmers

The Federal Government of Nigeria has banned foreigners from directly purchasing agricultural produce from farmers.

The Minister of Industry, Trade and Investment, Niyi Adebayo announced the ban and said only licensed and duly registered local buying agents can now buy products directly from farmers in the country.

“The Federal Executive Council (FEC) today approved a Ban on foreigners and their representatives purchasing agricultural produce at the farm gate. Henceforth, only licensed and duly registered local buying agents can now buy products directly from farmers in Nigeria,” said the minister.

Niyi Adebayo, observed foreigners have been going to the farm gates to buy produce from the farmers at low prices, thus discouraging the farmers from continuing with their trade.

Low rates

“As part of the FEC approval, the Attorney-General will draft a law that will be sent to NASS to support the implementation of the new Policy. We will also use Commodity Associations, to which the farmers belong, to ensure effective implementation,” he said.

The national president, All Farmers Association of Nigeria (AFAN), Ibrahim Kabir, welcomed the decision, which he said was because the low rates foreign middlement pay poor farmers at the farm gate.

“I strongly support the government for taking that action. I know in the Kano areas, some Lebanese go to our farms to buy things and some Chinese also go to buy from the farm. So, once you buy from the farm gate the farmers sell at a low bottom price but if you come to the market and sell directly that means you will get your small profits,” Mr Kabir said.