Kenya unveils Sh 30M potato seeds production project

Kenya unveils Sh 30M potato seeds production project

The government of Kenya has unveiled a Sh30 million potato seeds production project in Nakuru with the aim of cubing poverty and hunger.

The project is being financed by the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries under the National Agricultural Rural Inclusive and Growth Project (NARIGP). It involves 66 farmer groups in Njoro, Molo, Bahati and Kuresoi North Sub-Counties who will be linked to research institutions including Kenya Agriculture and Livestock Research Organisation (KALRO), Agriculture Development Corporation (ADC) and Kenya Plant Health Inspectorate Services (KEPHIS) to ensure they procure clean and certified planting materials.

Part of the deal involves increasing high quality certified potato seed availability to farmers by 25 per cent through rapid multiplication, increased field seed bulking as well as capacity building of commercial seed growers in the County.

DLS concept

NARIGP capacity building and training coordinator Samuel Yego said 850 farmers have benefited from Kenya Plant Health Inspectorate Services (KEPHIS) expertise to embark on multiplication of seed towards meeting the increasing demand among local growers. Yego confirmed that construction of 30 Diffused Light Stores was complete (DLS) adding that DLS is a low-cost potato-seed storage technology made from locally available materials.

“The concept of a DLS involves storing seed potato in a natural, diffused light (indirect sunlight) structure with good ventilation and aphid proof netting. Tubers are stored in shelves, trays or crates up to three layers deep. Seed stored in such a manner is high yielding and free from diseases and pests,” Yego explained.

Potato growers integrated in the project in the four sub counties will be linked to selected manufacturers and dealers of farm inputs to enable them buy fertilisers, pesticides, fungicides and other inputs at subsidized cost.