Kenya proposes Sh 670M budget to mitigate drought

Kenya proposes Sh 670M budget to mitigate drought

Kenya’s Ministry of Agriculture’s has proposed a Sh 670million budget to the Treasury for mitigating drought, adverse weather conditions experienced in the country’s arid and semi-arid regions.

President Uhuru Kenyatta had recently declared drought a national disaster. Consequently, he instructed the National Treasury and the Ministry of Interior to spearhead Government efforts to assist affected households including water and relief food distribution as well as livestock uptake.

In the latest food security monitoring report, the State Department of Livestock (SDL) noted that funds will be used to manage the implications of the forecasted depressed rainfall which is likely to deteriorate the region’s food security and nutrition.

Poor body conditions

The report indicated that livestock in Marsabit, Isiolo, Tana River, Wajir, Turkana, Kilifi, Kitui, and Laikipia counties have experienced poor body conditions which affects milk production and market prices.

“The food security and nutrition situation in most parts of the arid and semi-arid (ASALs) areas in the northern and eastern parts of Kenya is likely to deteriorate. SDL has submitted a drought interventions budget and is awaiting the release of funds by the National Treasury,” the ministry noted.

“Outlook for the Oct-Nov-Dec (OND) 2021 “Short Rains” season indicates that most parts of the country are likely to experience depressed rainfall. Analysis of the rainfall performance indicates that most parts of the country especially eastern and northern Kenya experienced rainfall deficit,” the ministry added.

As part of the proposed interventions, the ministry says efforts should be directed towards Livestock disease surveillance, control, and treatment, livestock breeds improvement and increased purchase of livestock supplementary feeds.