Kenya commissions effluent treatment plant in Nairobi

Kenya commissions effluent treatment system in Nairobi

The government of Kenya has commissioned an effluent treatment plant in Nairobi County. Ministry of Agriculture commissioned the plant set to promote clean environment

The facility sits at the Veterinary Vaccines Production Institute (KEVEVAPI). It was developed through support from the Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA). The plant has been designed to treat all liquid waste generated in the vaccine production facility as well as stabilizing the PH before it is discharged to the normal sewer line.

KEVEVAPI Board Chairman Dr. Geoffrey Kamau said that the new Effluent Treatment System would go a long way in ensuring effluent released from manufacturing is safe for the environment. “This places KEVEVAPI among strategic institutions that are environmentally conscious and keen to uphold safe environmental guidelines under the One Health Umbrella. This is now an institution for benchmarking on modern effluent treatment systems for industrial bio-waste in the region.”

“The Kenyan Government is grateful to DRTA for their continued support through the Training of staff in Biorisk management, enforcing bio-security through the construction of two-wheel washes and investment totaling Sh400 million. We continually look forward to an extended cordial working relationship to improve the sector,” said Agriculture Cabinet Secretary (CS) Mithika Linturi in a speech read on his behalf by the Director of Livestock Production Elmi Bishar.


The Kenya Veterinary Vaccines Production Institute (KEVEVAPI) was established as a parastatal institution under, Cap 446 of the laws of Kenya on 5th May 1990 through legal Notice No. 223 of 4th June, 1990. This followed the dissolution of a joint venture between the Government of the Republic of Kenya and the Welcome Trust Foundation of the United Kingdom.

The Institute was created by merging three different institutions that were producing vaccines in Kenya and included the Vaccine Production Laboratory (VPL) at Embakasi, the vaccine production section at the KARI- National Veterinary Research Centre (NVRC) at Muguga and the vaccine section of Veterinary Research. Laboratory at Department of Veterinary Services Headquarter at Kabete.