Kajiado County receives ASDSP II program support

Kajiado County receives ASDSP II program support

Farmers in Kajiado County in Kenya have received a boost from the Agriculture Sector Development Support Programme Phase Two (ASDSP II).

ASDSP II) is one of the key programmes designed by the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock, Fisheries and Cooperatives and 47 county governments to contribute to addressing food and nutrition security and promote manufacturing. It is primarily designed to enhance the capacity of different Priority Value Chain Actors at different levels to tackle the problems that hinder commercialization of Agriculture.

The programme is implemented by the Government of Kenya (National and 47 county governments) with strong participation of the private sector as direct beneficiaries or service providers. It is financed by the Government of Kenya, Sida and EU for a period of five years (2017-2022).

Food security

Farmers in the county received a number of innovative equipment to boost their yields. They include; motorized spray pumps and solar-powered water pumps while the beef farmers benefitted from a grass planter chisel plough and grass mower, for tomato farmers. Beef and dairy farmers received a 1,000 litres/hour homogenizer and a 1,000 liters/hour pasteurizer which form part of their mini dairy.

Kajiado, Kajiado Deputy Governor Martin Moshisho noted that the innovative equipment is a great relief and will support the food security agenda despite climate change challenges affecting the country.

“Courtesy of this programme, we will have mini dairies that will support our women. For the past few years, the Kajiado County economy has been receiving about Sh100 million every month from the dairy sector. Through this we are going to improve production and value addition of the milk.  Thanks to ASDSP famers will also add value to their tomatoes and sell them at better prices,” said Moshisho.