With over 50 per cent of its population living near the coastline, amid rapid population growth and environmental and socio-economic impacts, Angola is a country where small-scale producers stand to benefit greatly from increased resilience. The threats to the livelihoods of coastal communities come from a number of directions, including erratic rainfall, droughts, rising sea-levels and increased frequency of storms.
These and other projected impacts of climate change place Angola among the most vulnerable and least prepared countries in the world, ranking 154th out of 182 countries in the Notre Dame Global Adaptation Initiative’s Country Index. In this context, the support of the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) to promote climate adaptation is helping to make a difference.
“IFAD was created at the height of the world’s food crisis of the 1970s, and now, more than 40 years later, we face another crisis. But this time round we are equipped with lessons and technology to help build resilience of the rural communities to reduce the impact of the crisis,” said Donal Brown, Associate Vice President, Programme Management Division, IFAD.
“Angola is one of IFAD’s most important partners and supporters in Africa with a long-standing partnership. There is great potential for agriculture to play an even bigger role in Angola’s economy and food systems transformation and IFAD looks forward to working with the Government on these,” added Donal Brown.
Donal Brown and Associate Vice President and Chief Risk Officer, Alberto Cogliati will make a three-day visit to the country, from 28 to 31 March. During the visit they will meet with the Minister of Finance, Vera Daves, the Minister of Agriculture and Forestry, António Francisco de Assis, and the Minister of Fisheries and Marine Resources, Carmém do Sacramento Neto. Their discussions will focus on the role of small-scale farmers in ensuring food security in Angola, the challenges posed by climate change, and strategies to transform and modernize the agricultural and fisheries sector.
While in the country, Donal Brown and Alberto Cogliati will see the results of two IFAD-supported projects and will have a chance to meet with project participants who have experienced greater resilience to climate change and reduced food insecurity as a result of the projects.
To date, IFAD has co-financed eight projects in Angola for a total investment of US$ 257 million reaching over 486,000 rural households.